Victoria G.
Midland, TX
5.0 star rating
Anna is nothing short of a miracle worker! What an incredibly skilled, knowledgable, gifted healer!
I went to see Anna for the first time when I was 41 weeks 1 day pregnant as a last attempt to try something that would induce labor. As a first-time VBAC (REALLY wish I'd known about Anna with my first baby who was breech, as I'm sure that wouldn't have ended in a c-section), I wanted to do everything in my power to avoid the medical induction I had scheduled for 42 weeks. I texted Anna and she serendipitously had just received a cancelation for her very first appointment for the following morning, so I filled it. After the very thorough and informative 45 minute consultation (Anna has such a calming, personable, relatable demeanor), Anna started on the needles. She let me stay for as long as I wanted, which ended up being close to 2 hours! In the first half hour alone, I knew this was going to work. I could feel these huge hormonal shifts happening in my body. My body felt nothing like it had even just 20 hours earlier when I went to my 41w check-in with my OB (at that time, I was 1cm dilated, 60-70% effaced, & baby's head still fairly high). I walked out of Anna's office no only feeling better physically, but also feeling SO much more assured and confident about this impending L&D experience; I'm sure those hormonal shifts were also positively effecting my mental state as well! I was done by 12:15pm that afternoon, and after a short walk around the neighborhood early that evening when I got home, my water was slowly breaking and leaking by 5:30pm that same night!!
Had I not tested Group B Strep positive this pregnancy and had I not needed to get to the hospital to be monitored for that within a reasonable amount of time after my water broke, I would have definitely gone to visit Anna again the following morning while in labor. My dilation did stall after about 15 hours of labor largely to baby still not being engaged fulling and still being high up. I'm 100% sure Anna would've been able to rectify that and probably have helped cut off several of the hours of my otherwise long, exhausting 31 hour labor. But all's well that ends well: I got my successful VBAC and (mostly) natural birth experience, a perfectly healthy second baby boy, and no need for a medical induction!! Woohoo!
Thank you so much Anna!!!